Blacksmith Source Product News

Anyang ST 25kg hammer has arrived

Anyang ST 25kg hammer has arrived

The Anyang ST 25kg Pneumatic Power Hammer has arrived for a new customer and cleared US customs. The hammer will be inspected then it's way to it's new home at a technical school in Florida. Connect us if you can benefit from the new dependable products from Anyang ST.

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Anyang ST 40kg Power Hammer is on the way.

Anyang ST 40kg Power Hammer is on the way.

The Anyang ST 40 power hammer is being shipped now. It will be available in about 40 days. The rest 2021 will be bringing in each powerhammer for resell. There will be optional tool kits, dies and availble extnded warranty. following will be the 15kg hammers. If you would like to special order a hammer please contact us.

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Anyang AFP Verses Anyang St Power Hammers Competitive Positions

Anyang AFP Anyang St Power Hammers

Anyang AFP Verses Anyang St Power Hammers Competitive Positions

The following is an edit of the original public position announcement from Anyang St Power Hammers. The announcement is a response to the allegations of the Anyang AFP representation of facts on intellectual property rights. This edit has been approved by Anyang St management.   About Anyang ST Forging Machinery Company Anyang ST Forging Machinery professional produced power hammers and hydraulic press for the blacksmith differs from AFP blacksmith forging machines. AFP older designed power hammers that are similar to the Anyang ST hammers only makes up a tiny part of their whole business. The companies main business rely on heavy industrial machine sales. The...

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Anyang ST Power Hammers

Power Hammers

Anyang ST Power Hammers

Expecting Five Anyang ST Power Hammers in early 2021. Blacksmith Source will be a dealer for all Anyang ST products. the first in are 

  • Anyang ST 40kg     qty 1
  • Anyang ST 25kg     qty1
  • Anyang ST 15kg     qty3


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Backwoods Tools is a new temporary collection on Blacksmith Source

Bushcraft Woodland Store Updates

Temporary category for bushcraft tools available for sale,

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